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Archives (29)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
ACCUSFT5.DL_ MS Compress Archive 1 157KB 1995-05-05
APPSHARE.EX_ MS Compress Archive 1 55KB 1995-08-08
APPSHARE.IN_ MS Compress Archive 1 63b 1994-08-10
AS.DL_ MS Compress Archive 1 58KB 1996-01-30
BP.DL_ MS Compress Archive 1 8KB 1995-06-21
COLLECT.DL_ MS Compress Archive 1 39KB 1995-06-21
COLORBAR.DL_ MS Compress Archive 1 7KB 1994-11-10
COMMENG.DL_ MS Compress Archive 1 6KB 1995-02-27
CTL3D.DL_ MS Compress Archive 1 12KB 1993-11-24
DEBUG.DL_ MS Compress Archive 1 3KB 1995-05-12
DIALER.DL_ MS Compress Archive 1 58KB 1995-10-25
DIBCODEC.DL_ MS Compress Archive 1 26KB 1996-01-23
DSP.CL_ MS Compress Archive 1 32KB 1994-09-30
DSPMON.CL_ MS Compress Archive 1 359b 1994-03-07
FILELIST.DL_ MS Compress Archive 1 31KB 1995-03-15
FILELIST.IN_ MS Compress Archive 1 994b 1995-05-31
FT.DL_ MS Compress Archive 1 36KB 1995-06-21
MONITOR.VC_ MS Compress Archive 1 6KB 1995-02-13
PB.DL_ MS Compress Archive 1 39KB 1995-06-21
SAMPLE1.SV_ MS Compress Archive 1 10KB 1994-10-12
SAMPLE2.SV_ MS Compress Archive 1 27KB 1994-10-12
SAMPLE3.SV_ MS Compress Archive 1 4KB 1994-10-12
SAMPLE4.SV_ MS Compress Archive 1 13KB 1994-01-31
SAMPLE5.SV_ MS Compress Archive 1 31KB 1994-01-31
SAMPLE6.SV_ MS Compress Archive 1 19KB 1994-10-12
SAMPLE7.SV_ MS Compress Archive 1 50KB 1994-03-11
VCDRV.DR_ MS Compress Archive 1 46KB 1995-05-19
WB.DL_ MS Compress Archive 1 63KB 1995-07-19
WBDRAW.DL_ MS Compress Archive 1 67KB 1995-06-21

Text (3)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
DISK.ID Text File 3 57b 1996-12-02
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 12 344b 1996-03-13
LICENSE.TXT Text File 195 7KB 1996-01-17